C4m, is a musical autoproduction project, born in Bologna in 2012. The desire to start up this project is connected to the necessity to promote a model of musical self-distribution and creation, alternative to the more conventional one, which is purely based on the marketing laws. Here grows the idea of this site, an archive to contain the music produced, also open to external collaborations. C4m is therefore a proposal of "D.I.Y." (Do It Yourself), ethic promoted by the "punk culture" in the 80s, in support of self-musical production and, thanks to the web, it has greatly expanded its potentiality of distribution.
The main objective of the project is to involve musicians and artists, to select tracks designed as basis for "art projects", such as: video, theatrical performances, installations etc. The attempt is to create reference point when you need a base for a work, in free download from the site.
Each track deposited in the archive, will be authorized for use by the author, thanks to a "Creative Commons" licenses. Each permit will be coded with an icon applied to the track, which explain what kind of uses the author authorizes. The concrete sharing of the tracks takes place through radio-tape left on the streets.
C4m, is a virtual place to share and to relate. The essence that makes alive and participatory this space is the idea, understood in this project as "highest artistic expression", where authors and music, are the only subjects revolving around it.
Since 2021 the autoproduction of c4m expands with the project of recovery and reuse of musical instruments RI // C4M. To follow all our activities, we are on stereodon.social.
Have fun.
(Circuito Autoproduzione Musicale)